Private sector housing

Housing Condition Survey: follow-up visits

The Housing Act 2004 states that local authorities must keep the housing conditions in their area under review with a view to identifying any action that may need to be taken.

The Council has recently carried out a Housing Condition Survey of Broxbourne and found properties in the Borough that may be classed as 'House in Multiple Occupation' (HMOs). This is where there are three or more unrelated tenants who share a kitchen and/or a bathroom and it is their main residence.

The Council can take action against the Landlord or Managing Agent to make improvements under the legislation. If there are five or more people sharing the property then a licence is required. The licence is aimed at making improvements and setting conditions to deal with overcrowding and anti-social behaviour. 

If you are a landlord and need to licence your property, or would like further information, you can do so at the Council's 'Apply for an HMO licence' page.

Note: please be aware that your property may have been highlighted in the survey and you may receive a visit from a Council Officer.

If you would like to advise the Council that the property is not an HMO, you can do so: