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Plans to address issues of damp and mould

The Council’s Private Sector Housing team provides general housing advice on how to deal with damp and mould, or how to register complaints about damp and mould in privately rented properties.

The Council holds a Landlord’s Forum annually, which allows the Council to engage with and raise landlords’ awareness of damp and mould, specifically aimed at improving knowledge and understanding of issues and landlord responsibilities, and how landlords should engage with tenants on managing moisture in properties. 

The team contacts all Housing Associations and licenced Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) every two years to ensure they are actively focused on addressing any damp and mould issues.

The team inspects all licenced HMOs on an annual basis to assess hazards and, in particular, to identify any damp or mould. 

The Council has a graduated enforcement policy, and issues improvement notices and legal proceedings as deemed appropriate.

Advice and support

Information regarding damp and mould, which sets out the common causes of damp and mould growth and advice on how to identify, treat, control and prevent damp and mould is contained in this leaflet.

If you need to contact the Council’s Private Sector Housing Team to raise an issue, or if a landlord is not addressing an issue, you can do so via envhealth@broxbourne.gov.uk or by calling the Council’s Customer Services Team on 01992 785555.