Classic Vehicle Day Returns to Waltham Cross

The 19th annual Classic Vehicle Day returned to Waltham Cross town centre

The 19th annual Classic Vehicle Day returned to Waltham Cross town centre on Saturday 10 August, between 10am and 4pm.

Residents and members of the public were able to enjoy live music provided by local musician, Mario, who performed a range of music from throughout the eras.

There were 80 classic vehicles on display from the 1950’s through to the current day, including a collection of Fords, Rovers and Triumphs, alongside a collection of classic motorcycles.

This annual event is part of the Council’s annual rolling programme to support the Borough’s town centres and provide a lively, brighter local shopping environment.

For further information about this event, please call 01992 785577.

Published: 14th August 2019