Building control

Building control services are provided by Hertfordshire Building Control Ltd. This company is owned by a group of Hertfordshire local authorities including the Borough of Broxbourne Council. The purpose of the company is to ensure that architects and builders operate in compliance with building regulations.

Hertfordshire Building Control is currently and will continue to provide a full building control service throughout the period of the Coronavirus pandemic. If you are carrying out building work of a controllable nature, including if you are doing it yourself, you will need to ensure compliance with the Building Regulations. Applications for Building Regulations approval can be found at Please also be aware that if you are in the middle of building work the current situation does not remove the requirement to ensure that Building Control inspections are carried out at the relevant intervals. Hertfordshire Building Control will advise how inspections proceed. Hertfordshire Building Control are available to homeowners and developers to provide this service.

You should engage with them as early as possible to discuss your requirements or submit a building control application.

You can also search for building applications prior to 30 June 2017.