I have received a Fixed Penalty Notice

What is a Fixed Penalty Notice?

A Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) is a fine issued by the Council. The Council's officers working in the Borough's town centres can issue an FPN for any of the following:

  • littering (rubbish, cigarette ends, chewing gum)
  • fly-tipping
  • dog fouling
  • graffiti or fly-posting
  • abandoning a vehicle in the street
  • misusing household waste bins provided by the Council
  • misusing public litter bins (leaving household or trade waste)

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005, the Council can serve notices to anyone committing one of these offences in any place that is open to the air.

If you are caught dropping litter you could be liable for a fine of £150, payable within 14 days. If you within 10 days the fine is reduced to £100.

Refusing to pay may result in prosecution in a magistrate's court.