Apply for a skip licence

Once my skip is in place, what else do I have to do?

Skips must be lit and the lights maintained between half an hour before sunset and half an hour after sunrise. Lights should comply with the Traffic Sign Regulations.

No other materials i.e. sand, bricks etc. should be placed by the skip. 

No flammable, explosive, corrosive or noxious materials, or any material likely to putrefy, damage or pollute the highway or cause a nuisance to other users of the highway, should be placed in the skip.

Skips should not be overfilled, once filled it should be removed within two days of filling. Skips with waste overspilling can cause problems for passing motorists and may cause an accident. Residents may also be liable for prosecution if your waste is not contained properly.

Skips should not remain on the highway beyond the period of the licence.