Report a parking offence

You can report a parking offence to the Council’s parking enforcement team using the form at the bottom of this page. You will be asked to give:

  • your details
  • a description of the offending vehicle and its registration number
  • any supporting evidence - for example, a photograph of the vehicle  

The vehicle must be currently causing an offence. If the vehicle is not present when the enforcement officer arrives, they will not be able to do anything.

Parking offences include:

  • parking on yellow lines, in restricted areas or across dropped kerbs
  • parking without an appropriate permit or badge
  • parking for longer than permitted

The Council can only deal with reports which are received between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday. Any reports outside of this time will be received and reviewed the following working day. The Council cannot enforce inconsiderate parking or parking infringements on private property. Obstructive parking should be reported to the police.

Report a parking offence

An abandoned vehicle is not a parking offence, and there is a seperate process for these cases.

If you would like to report an abandoned vehicle, you can fill in the form using the link below.

Report an abandoned vehicle