
Green spaces

Green spaces, or urban green spaces, have become more important to human health since the Covid-19 lockdowns. These spaces provide a place to walk and exercise while also stimulating mental wellbeing.

Improvements in attention, creativity and memory have been seen when utilising green spaces. The plant species found in green spaces can reduce temperature (known as the heat island effect) and air pollution as well as encouraging pollinators and connectivity to habitats for wildlife. The Borough of Broxbourne offers many parks and open spaces which may also be used for public events. You can find more information on these here and here.

The Borough is also home to many community gardens such as Hoddesdon’s Peace Cottage and the community garden project established at Shirley Close by B3Living and Wyld Edges.

The Borough of Broxbourne also borders the Lee Valley Regional Park, a 26-mile, 10,000 acre park which features many gardens, nature reserves and walking and cycling routes. You can find maps and more information here.

There are also community gardens at Rosedale Community Church in Cheshunt and at Broxbourne Railway Station.